This data includes >80,000 recorded UFO "sightings" around the world, including the UFO shape, lat/long and state/country of where the sighting occurred, duration of the "event" and the data_time when it occurred.
Data comes originally from NUFORC, was cleaned and uploaded to Github by Sigmond Axel, and some exploratory plots were created by Jonathan Bouchet a few years back.
H/t to Georgios Karamanis for sharing the data as an issue on Github. If you want to submit a dataset of your own interest, please do so as an Issue on our GitHub! If you do submit a dataset, please drop a link and some context as an issue. Thanks!
ufo_sightings <- readr::read_csv("")
variable | class | description |
date_time | datetime (mdy h:m) | Date time sighting occurred |
city_area | character | City or area of sighting |
state | character | state/region of sighting |
country | character | Country of sighting |
ufo_shape | character | UFO Shape |
encounter_length | double | Encounter length in seconds |
described_encounter_length | character | Encounter length as described (eg 1 hour, etc |
description | character | Description of encounter |
date_documented | character | Date documented |
latitude | double | Latitude |
longitude | double | Longitude |